Every morning she helps me straighten my office up from the day before because I don't bother doing it before I leave because I know we'll handle it in the A.M.. Then she helps my mother and sister sort the mail. Then she helps either accounting or order entry/reception. That is, unless she wants to sit in with her BFF Heather and just gossip.
Today was an interesting day because after she helped me with my office she realized my mother and sister weren't coming in and Heather wasn't here. So she simply helped take papers back in forth between order entry and the receptionist. A few minutes before it was time to leave for lunch I went down stairs and heard her talking to a freight salesmen. Amanda walked up to him and explained that she worked at JCM, gave him her business card and talked about the convention we just returned from. The receptionist asked Amanda where the convention is going to be next year and Amanda accurately informed her that it would be in Denver.
The thing that I loved about this three minute exchange was Amanda prompted it all and said things in a way that was more mature than just a few weeks ago. The interaction she gets with the adults in my office is the best therapy she could have and I know I am blessed to be in such a situation to provide it for her.
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