Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My wife

I seldom write about my wife on my blog for the simple reason, to describe her is beyond my abilities. But let me tell you just a little something about how fortunate I am.

A friend of ours had twin girls just over two months ago. Throughout the summer and fall of our friend's pregnancy Tina was there for her. She drove her to Little Rock and Shreveport to see specialists. She cleaned her home and helped her organize and prepare for the babies. She worked as much on this family as our own.

Now the babies are here and they are quite cute as most babies are. One is smaller than the other. A is bigger than G, and while most everyone is drawn to the loud round faced A, Tina is smitten with this little baby G.

G was twice the weight that Amanda was at birth and not any longer, but even still she scared a lot of people because she was just so small. Tina wasn't scared in the least. She held this tiny child as naturally as pediatric nurse. When Tina said that the baby was having stomach trouble, people took notice, when Tina said don't worry, people relaxed.

This morning Tina was out the door with our friend to help her get the babies their shots. Tina does this with a smile on her face and love in her heart. She is kindness.


Azaera said...

Aww, how sweet! How big was Amanda at birth? Skyler was 4 pounds, 0 ounces. I think teeny babies are so cute, it's funny how so many people are afraid to touch them.

Unknown said...

Amanda was 2 lbs 12 ozs and got down to 2 lbs 6 ozs.

I carried her around like a football for about 6 months.