Tomorrow is Tina's 41st birthday. For some time now she has had a bad run on her birthday, being sick to one degree or another. I guess that is what happens when you are born during the cold and flu season. But she has also had gallbladder surgery, for her 40th and was on pregnancy bed rest for her 30th. This year she almost dodged the bullet because she is quite healthy, but Amanda is sick.
But she has such a positive way of looking at things like this, it's not the actual day that counts, its the enjoying the celebration when it finally does happen. So that is what we will do.
I'm hoping she likes her gift this year as much as last year, all be it much smaller. Last year was a Lincoln MKZ, this year we don't need a new car but we did upgrade our coffee maker, so I am upgrading the mugs. She'll be picking out a few more items so don't think I'm going cheap here. I just don't pick out stuff for the house or her wardrobe.
Anyway, happy birthday to my dear Tina, I'm so glad you are still into younger men, namely me.
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