The ditches are threatening the roads, the culverts are boiling and it will rain all day as the storm follows an unvarying line right across my home town. TXK just needs a space needle and a some cool doctors and we can rival Seattle. Twenty inches of rain in 43 days. This is amazing.
My back yard is a pond and not draining as fast as I would like. I think at lunch I will put on the rain gear and improve the drainage a bit. It won't be the first time as my abilities as an amateur hydrologist are improving.
Oh man we had a freak 10cm snowfall the other day. I wish we had rain.. Haha.
I'm going to have to do a little math to convert that, and as we know, that is hard. But for all the Americans who read this, that is 3.9370079 inches. Always carry out to the 7th decimal place if possible.
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